Contoh drama/dialog bahasa inggris dengan tema horror


                Once upon a time, 7 boys found a game. The game is “Taqin Taqin Challenge”. They didn’t know what that game was. The game uses a pencil  and a paper. The players must create 4 squares in the paper and write Yes and No in two boxes. The pencils are stacked up to make a cross shape. Then the players are required to ask “Taqin, Taqin are you here?”. If the pencils move towards the Yes, the players are in luck and Taqin the ghost is present. The players may proceed to ask some other questions. The players must be holding each other’s hand and form a circle around the paper. If one of them breaks the circle, the ghost will haunt them, or so it is said.
                One night, the boys decided to play the game.  One of the boys doesn’t believe in ghosts. His name is Riska. He says that he is never going to believe in ghosts even if he sees one. The boys gather around the paper and the pencils. Before they play, a boy named Abraham warned them “Whatever you guys do, do not break the circle.”. Some nodded, some just stayed silent from fear. Holding each other’s hand, they then proceeded to ask “Taqin, Taqin are you here?”. The boys then waited. One minute, Two minutes. Nothing happened. Riska then complains “This game is fake. Ghosts doesn’t exist, let alone one named Taqin!”. “Hush!” shouted Dani. “I don’t care about you believing in ghosts or not. Whatever you do, do not break the circle.” Riska frowned.
                A few moments later the ghost appeared out of the corner of the room but only for a brief moment. Everyone shook in fear as if the ghost is amongst them. Riska suddenly disappeared from the circle leaving everyone else even more frightened. “Holy moly What was that?” Shouted Theo. Their grip became loose. In Fear, Dani let go of his grip, proceeding to suddenly die with 3 scars on his face. One by one each of them died, except Theo and Abraham who still held hands until the end, following the rule.
                Afterwards Theo and Abraham went to a poltergeist and he said “you must find out the name of the ghost”. Then Theo and Abraham went to the library and found an old book about Supernatural things. They found out the ghosts name which was ‘Wolcruse A.K.A The Black Walker’.  They then went back to where they last saw the ghost and shouted “Wolcruse! Give back our friends and go back to where you came from!”.
                In the end Wolcruse gave back each of the lost boys’ souls and went back to hell. The boys burned the pencils and the paper down to the ground.

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